We were thrilled to be interviewed for this article on collecting vintage and antique metal beds for the Financial Times online.

Financial Times Article

The ‘ How To Spend It ‘ section of the ft.com features many other  contemporary, stylish and discerning ideas on how best to spend your money.

Here is our contribution, but do check out the full article.

For those furnishing compact spaces, 4ft doubles and single iron and brass bedsteads are a popular choice, says Elena Merino, owner of The French Bed Company. She deals mostly in antique French beds, believing them to be “simpler and more elegant” than their English counterparts, and says many of her clients choose them for their children. One such is Louisa Russell, a former insurance underwriter who lives in a 17th-century cottage in Hampshire. She bought three 19th-century French iron singles for her children at £399 each, which she has had painted cream. She was drawn in by their rounded edges and unique history. “I grew up with an English Bedknobs and Broomsticks-style Victorian bed, but the French equivalents are more suitable for children because the side rails are lower and they have no sharp edges.”

With special thanks to Louisa Russell, Ruth Caven and the FT.com – Elena Merino @ The French Bed Company

We have also been featured in various home styling magazines including Tatler. Below, The French Bed Company featured in the ‘Designers Choice’ in ‘Period Living’ and ‘Living’ Magazines.

The French Bed Company in the press The French Bed Company in the press